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CyboCon High-Speed

CyboCon High-Speed - High-Speed MFA Control Software

CyboCon HS is the first high-speed general-purpose adaptive control software capable of handling extremely high-speed applications that demand a control response in the one- to ten-millisecond range. CyboCon HS offers all the capabilities of CyboCon at a much higher speed.

CyboCon HS Model-Free Adaptive (MFA) control software offers significant advantages in performance and installation when compared to a model-based adaptive control solution. A model-based system cannot be implemented in a high-speed fashion because a complex high-speed system usually requires immediate adaptive capability; and there is not enough time and data for a model-based system to learn a new model unless all its models are developed ahead of the application.

Traditionally, high-speed adaptive control systems are specially designed by control experts with precise process models requiring significant financial and time investments. In a testing environment, it is not practically feasible to develop all these models. Model-free adaptive control products provide cost-effective and user-friendly solutions.

Applications that can benefit from this type of high-speed control are often found in mission critical systems in various industries.

• labs and test facilities,
• wind tunnels,
• artificial environment,
• real-time simulations,
• material and product testing facilities,
• rolling mills,
• metal casting operations,
• turbine engines,
• motion control, and
• robotics control.

CyboCon HS Model-Free Adaptive (MFA) control software offers all the capabilities of CyboCon software in a high-speed fashion. Complex systems can be effectively controlled by using MFA controllers but require no first-principle or identification-based models, no controller design, nor complicated manual tuning of its parameters. The package includes various MFA controllers including:

SISO (single-input-single-output) MFA controller,
Anti-Delay MFA controller capable of controlling systems with large Tau/T ratios,
Nonlinear MFA controller that deals with significant gain changes,
Robust MFA controller that can force the process variable to stay within the defined bounds,
MIMO (multiple-input-multiple-output) MFA controller for multivariable systems, and
• PID controller and various dynamic blocks.

Product specifications include a one-millisecond model-free adaptive control output update rate. Actual speed depends on the number of loops and the hardware used. Typically, CyboCon HS can offer 10 milliseconds control update rate with 16 to 32 MFA controllers.

No special hardware is required. It is recommended that you run the software on a PC with the following:

• Windows NT, 2000, XP and Windows 7, Windows 10,
• 700 or higher MHz CPU, and
• 256 MB or more of RAM.



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