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Embedded MFA

Embedding advanced control algorithms into a platform of hardware and software is not a trivial task, especially if the product is for high-speed control applications. The algorithm computation time, the static and dynamic memory required, CPU type, floating-point calculation capability, compiler tools, and operating system can all impact the development cost and product performance.

With our Model-Free Adaptive (MFA) control technology at the core, CyboSoft has developed a competency to quickly (typically 1 to 2 man-months) generate application-specific controllers from the general-purpose controllers already developed. Added to this competency is the ability to deliver controllers as embedded code.CyboSoft is delivering embedding MFA controllers into Programmable Logic Controllers, (PLC), Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC), and application-specific control devices including sensors. Of the many MFA controllers that have been developed, the most popular controllers to be embedded are the following:

Customers and partners are attracted by the ease of deployment. In most cases, an MFA controller can directly replace the legacy controller without the need for "system" redesign (plug-and play).

To understand the innovative thinking and engineering discipline applied to solving difficult process control problems, click here.

  © 2025 CyboSoft, General Cybernation Group, Inc.
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