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MFA Control Toolbox for MATLAB®

The MFA Control Toolbox for MATLAB software includes embedded Model-Free Adaptive (MFA) controllers for the MATLAB environment. The MFA controllers are developed as MFA S-functions for control system simulations in the Simulink environment. It is a great tool for research, development, teaching, and lab testing.

MFA controls the processes that are too difficult for PID controllers or other control methods to handle. MFA is the only “No Model” advanced controller on the market that can control complex systems without the use of first-principle mathematical models or dynamic modeling based models. Better control means improved process stability, higher production efficiency and yield, consistent product quality, and reduced material and energy waste.

Using the rich variety of MFA controllers in the MFA Control Toolbox, you can solve various tough control problems at ease and prove the concept with computer simulations before you launch the real MFA control system using other real-time MFA control products. The MFA Control Toolbox software runs in Microsoft Windows NI/2000/XP operating system and is copy protected by a hardkey (Parallel or USB).

1. MFA Control Toolbox for MATLAB – Standard Edition

The Standard Edition includes 6 most popular MFA controllers as S-functions described in the following table. You can select and configure any MFA controllers for your control simulations. The number of MFAs that can run in a simulation program is limited by the size of the MFA Control Toolbox software. Simulation models and Simulink programs to demonstrate these MFA controllers are also included.

MFA Controllers Included
Capability and Usage
SISO MFA Controller
Replaces PID to eliminate manual tuning.
Nonlinear MFA Controller
Controls extremely nonlinear processes.
MFA pH Controller
Controls pH processes.
SISO + Feedforward MFA Controller
Compensates for measurable disturbances.
Anti-delay + Feedforward MFA Controller
Controls processes with large time delays or large Tau/T Ratio.
Robust MFA Controller
Protects the process variable from running outside defined boundaries.

2. MFA Control Toolbox for MATLAB – Professional Edition

The Professional Edition includes 6 most popular MFA controllers and 7 special MFA controllers as S-functions described in the following table. Each of the 7 special MFA controllers solves a very challenging control problem. You can select and configure any MFA controllers for your control simulations. The number of MFAs that can run in a simulation program is limited by the size of the MFA Control Toolbox software. Simulation models and Simulink programs to demonstrate these MFA controllers are also included. More special MFA controllers and related simulation process models are added into the Professional Edition from time to time. Customers with Annual Software Service can receive free software updates that include these new MFA controllers.

Standard MFA Controller VIs
Capability and Usage
SISO MFA Controller
Replaces PID to eliminate manual tuning.
Nonlinear MFA Controller
Controls extremely nonlinear processes.
MFA pH Controller
Controls pH processes.
SISO + Feedforward MFA Controller
Compensates for measurable disturbances.
Anti-delay MFA Controller
Controls processes with large time delays or large Tau/T Ratio.
Robust MFA Controller
Protects the process variable from running outside defined boundaries.
MFA Sharp Controller
Achieves tight control for both step and varying stepoint changes.
Flex-phase MFA Controller
Controls open-loop oscillating processes.
Anti-inverse MFA Controller
Controls processes that change signs. (Also called MFA Optimizer)
Time-varying MFA Controller
Controls processes with varying time constants and time delays.
Anti-delay MFA pH Controller
Controls pH processes with large and varying time delays.
MIMO MFA Controller
Controls multivariable processes.
MFA XRT Controller
Controls exothermal reaction run-away processes with large time delays.

What is Included: The MFA Control Toolbox for MATLAB software is shipped with a software CD and a PC hard-key (parallel or USB).

How to Order the MFA Control Toolbox for MATLAB software: Please contact CyboSoft or its authorized VAR, distributor, or partner.


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